(Random Thoughts)


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trust in Him
yellow flowers
Trust & Divine Mercy

The image above, called "Divine Mercy", represents how Jesus appeared to St. Faustina, a Polish nun in the early 1930's. Usually, the image includes the words "Jesus, I trust in You" at the bottom. I included similar words on the side. I'm including this picture for two reasons. First, because I like this representation of Christ - He really does look merciful and welcoming, and this is a great relief in times of crisis. And second, because the words "Jesus, I trust in You", to me, sum up everything in one sentence.

JPII memorial banner

Although I am Christian first and foremost, I am also catholic. I always admired Pope John Paul II, and got a chance to go hear him talk to a large crowd during the 80's. I didn't see much, but I was there, and that was the important part. I never agreed with everything catholic, but it always was and still is the denomination I agree with the most. I wish Pope Benedict XVI the best. He seems to me to be the best person for the job, and a difficult job it is.
A few more random thoughts? Ok, here goes.

I wouldn't say I'm 'deeply religious' because somehow that conjures up images of daily mass and heavy church involvement, which isn't me at all. For one thing, I don't care for crowds. If you were to look for me in a church, you'd likely find me in a dark corner, dimly lit by a few votive candles, nicely lined up in their red stained glass containers, their flames dancing on the stone walls and casting a soft glow on a statue of Christ or some local saint. Anyway, I'd say that my faith runs deep, and that it's an intrinsic part of me. I suppose the only way to know how deep your faith is, though, is to have it tested. I think it's been tested a few times in my life - though maybe not to a great extent, but so far it's carried me through.

Tying this to my 'life philosophy', I'd say I'm an optimist. Now, I do worry about details and the short term, generally speaking. I worry about the weather being too hot or too cold, I worry about what to wear, I worry about where I'll park, about meeting deadlines, about forgetting things that need to be done. However, I rarely ever worry about the future, because I believe it's in God's hands, so 'it'll work out'.

I'm of the belief that things always work out - whatever that means. Perhaps the best way to explain it is this: if you take a leap of faith, and you fall, God will be there to catch you. It might take a while to heal your wounds, but they will heal eventually, and God will help, if you ask Him.

The other thing I deeply believe in is that things - all things - happen for a reason. I may not know what the reason is, but there is one, and God knows what it is... And that's enough for me.
Favorite Verse of the Moment

It's not like me to do scriptures (I am, after all, catholic) but I happened upon this one this other day and it spoke to me, so here you go. I try to remember these words when I start to panic about anything (being a natural worrier about the little things) -

Philippians 4: 6-7

Be anxious about nothing; but in everything, by prayer and with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

These are just the first few thoughts I wanted to include... More to come.
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