fence line

OK, not much to say here, other than we had only a few more minor freezes, but all in all, most of this month was warm, with temperatures in the mid 70s to low 80s. Mid 60s at night. Plants have not started growing back yet though.


fence line

  • This month, we've pruned quite a few of our plants, some drastically, including:
    Lantana , oleander , canna , hibiscus , passiflora , bougainvillea , crape myrtles , hydrangea , among others.

  • Many plants have already started growing back. Among these:
    Fig, firebush, crape myrtles, cape honeysuckle, milkweed, mandevilla, bougainvillea, lantana, cannas, oleanders, morning glories, Mexican heather. Still waiting on some others...

  • Also notable are the peach tree and the pear tree, which are both covered with flowers. First time I've seen them with so many flowers...

  • The azaleas are setting blooms right now, and should be in full bloom by next month.

  • The amaryllis, which looked dead, not only is alive, but is starting a new flower!!! :-)

  • We've almost finished picking oranges. About 12 oranges give us enough to make about one (tall) pitcher of fresh-squeezed ornage juice. Yum :-) Best one I ever tasted... Right now, the orange tree (Navel) is covered (and I mean, literally covered) with thousands of little white unopened flowers! Of course, most of these will never make it to the fruit stage.

  • The forsythia is now in full bloom. What a lovely bunch of yellow flowers! Very nice this year...
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More to come! I will try to keep this page updated as much as possible.

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Last updated on February 25, 2001